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05/03/2023 15:41 PM


Note: These descriptions are for legacy Cybersource small business merchants.


Transaction StatusDescription
AuthorizedThe credit card authorization request was processed successfully.
CapturedThe credit card authorization was captured by Cybersource, and the request was processed successfully by the payment processor.
CreditedThe credit card credit request was successful, and the request was processed successfully by the payment processor.
FailedThe credit card (authorization, capture, or credit) or check (debit or credit) request failed. The reason is not specified.
PartialThe authorization was partially approved.
Pending CaptureThe authorization was captured by Cybersource, and the request was sent to the payment processor. The reply of the payment processor is pending.
Pending CreditThe credit request was successful, and the request was sent to the payment processor. The reply of the payment processor is pending.
Pending SettlementThe credit card authorization or credit was captured by Cybersource, and the request was sent to the payment processor. The reply of the payment processor is pending.
ReviewThe credit card authorization was declined by the bank or by Smart Authorization. The result is marked Review because you can choose to ignore the decline, review the order carefully, and possibly capture the credit card authorization.
TransmittedThe check debit or credit request was processed successfully.
VoidedThe authorization was successfully deleted. You can see this transaction only in the search results page and in the exportable search report.

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