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02/02/2022 17:10 PM



verbal authorization (also known as a referral code) is an override from a customer's issuing bank in order to authorize charges that were initially declined. Because the payment processor did not receive an authorization code, the merchant must obtain the code manually.

Verbal authorization is typically requested by the issuing bank when there are questions about a transaction; the customer and/or merchant must contact the issuing bank to address those questions and obtain payment authorization.

Refer to How do I obtain a Verbal Authorization Code and settle a transaction? for instructions on retrieving verbal authorization codes.

Reason codes (e.g. 201), and response messages that contain any of the following text require a verbal authorization:

  • Verbal Authorization Required
  • Call for Authorization
  • Call Processor
  • Refer to Issuer
  • Referral

Some processors allow the following response messages to be settled via the same verbal authorization process:

  • Card Expired
  • Card Refused
  • Invalid Card

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