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04/28/2023 23:27 PM


If, while processing a credit card transaction, an issue occurs and the transaction cannot be processed properly, you will receive a specific transaction error message.

Here are the most common error messages and their meaning:


Message Explanation
DO NOT HONOR This general decline message indicates that, for any given number of reasons, your customer's credit card issuer has declined the transaction. In order to resolve this issue, your customer will need to contact their credit card issuer.
Invalid / Missing Information When you transmit the customer's billing information to Cybersource and there are poorly-formatted fields or information missing, you will receive this error message.
Insufficient Funds The customer's credit card limit may have been reached. Please advise the customer to contact their credit card issuer to resolve this issue.  
Pick up Card This error message implies that the credit card being used has been reported lost or stolen with the credit card issuer. 
Refer to Issuer This error message indicates there is an issue with the card. In order to process this transaction, please take the following steps, depending on the card type
Visa & MasterCard Contact your merchant acquirer for the verbal authorization code. After getting the code, manually capture the transaction in the Business Center.
AMEX & Discover Contact the appropriate credit card issuer to obtain the verbal authorization code, then manually capture the transaction in the Business Center.


You may also see a three digit Reason Code that accompanies the error message. Please refer to Appendix "Reason Codes" from the following list of common Reason Codes.

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