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12/07/2022 19:06 PM






CyberSource emails a security key expiration notice to contacts listed for your merchant ID (account) in the Business Center. These contacts receive these reminders 60, 30, 7, 3, 2, and 1 day(s) prior to the key expiration date. Notification emails route to all three contacts based on the following order of availability:


  1. Emergency 
  2. Technical 
  3. Business 

If your account has no Emergency contact email listed, the email routes to the Technical contact, and so on. For contacts under the same merchant ID who share the same email address will receive the notification once. If each contact under the same merchant ID has its own email address, then the notification will go to all three.

Note: This only applies to accounts and keys in Production only, we do not send notifications for CAS. You will continue to receive notifications for unused/expired keys until they are removed. If you have updated keys and the original/previous keys remain in the Business Center, you will continue to receive notifications.

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