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04/11/2023 23:04 PM


Important Note: Fraud Management Essentials (FME) configurations are your responsibility to create and maintain. You must monitor your transactions daily and make adjustments as needed.

Below are steps and information to review as you get started using Fraud Management Essentials (FME) and attached is a welcome/getting start video for FME.

Table of content:


What should I do on my first day?

  1. Read these FAQs and understand the concepts.  If you are ready for more, read the FME User Guide which can be found under Fraud Management > Guides in the Business Center.
  2. Log into the Test and Production Business Center and observe that FME is turned on (see “How do I know if FME is turned on?”). 
  3. Go to your Rule Configuration screen and observe that some rules are enabled by default.  If you do not want any rules to be enabled, you may disable them.  See “How does FME work?” and “How do I manage my rules?” for more information. 
  4. If you have feedback at any time, click the “Feedback” link in the global navigation and let us know! 

What should I do in my first week?

  1. Read the FME User Guide, which can found under Fraud Management > Guides
  2. Experiment with FME in the Test environment to become familiar with the tool (see “What would be a good way to test FME?”). 
  3. If you are setting any of your rule decisions to “Review”, read the FME User Guide to learn more about accepting and rejecting orders. 
  4. If you are using Secure Acceptance (SA) to accept payments, you must enable FME in your SA profile.  You can find your SA profile under Payment Configuration > Secure Acceptance Settings.  In the SA profile screen, FME is labeled as “Decision Manager” under Value Added Services.  Enabling FME for your SA profile will cause FME to automatically inspect your SA orders.  Note that if you do not do this, then FME will not run, and it will not inspect your orders.
  5. Set up your Notifications if you would like to be notified of certain events, such orders to review or orders rejected.  The FME User Guide to learn more. 
  6. Learn more about Device Fingerprinting by reviewing the Decision Manager Device Fingerprinting Guide which can be found under Fraud Management > Guides.
  7. Review training material for FME, this can be found in the Business Center under Support > Training.
  8. If you have feedback at any time, click the “Feedback” link in the global navigation and let us know! 

How do I know if FME is turned on?

You can tell whether FME is turned on by logging into the Business Center, and looking for the “Fraud Management” section in the left navigation panel.  If you find “Fraud Management”, then FME is enabled. 

When FME is enabled for your merchant ID, the default rules and settings will be active immediately.   

Note: FME may be enabled in the Test and Live environments separately.  To see if FME is enabled in the Test environment, log into https://businesscentertest.cybersource.com and look for “Fraud Management” in the left navigation panel.  To see if FME is enabled in the Live environment, log into https://businesscenter.cybersource.com and look for “Fraud Management” in the left navigation panel. 

If you would like to have FME enabled in a particular environment, please call Support. 

Learn more about the Test environment here.

Note if you are integrating and sending transactions via API or with Secure Acceptance with out FME set to run on transactions by sending decision_manager_enabled = no. For API this will depend on your integration and software solution and will require a developer to confirm if decision_manager_enabled is being sent as no. Either do not send this field at all or set to yes to make sure FME does run. For Secure Acceptance you will need to update any secure acceptance profile to have DM enable for FME to run.

How does FME work?

You can set up rules to tell Fraud Management Essentials how to handle your order.  FME will decision orders based on your rules.  

Here are the possible decisions: 

  • Accept: The order will be processed normally.
  • Review: The order will be paused until you either accept or reject it.  
  • Reject: The order will be rejected. 
  • Monitor: No action will be taken. Use this decision to understand would have been the rules outcome.  

For example, you might set the “AVS mismatch” rule to “reject”.  This means that if the billing address given by the customer does not match the billing address on file at the customer’s bank, then the order will be rejected. 

You can see rules in the Rule Configuration screen.  For a brief description of the rule, click on the “I” icon next to the rule.

Is FME already setup for me?

FME is set up for you with pre-configured rules and settings.  To see your rules, navigate to Fraud Management > Rule Configuration.   If the rules are in alignment with your fraud strategy, you do not need to take any action. 


How can I learn why FME rejected an order?

Find the order using the Fraud Dashboard Recent Orders table, or use the Order Search screen.

In the right-hand panel of the Order Detail screen, look for the Decision Manager Results.  Under the Risk Score, you will see a section titled Rule Evaluation.  If this order triggered any of your rules, those rules will be listed here, along with the decision associated with that rule.

In this example, the order triggered two rules:

  • Transaction Count Velocity, which caused FME to reject the transaction.
  • CVV mismatch, which would have triggered a Review decision had the Transaction Count Velocity rule not triggered a Reject.

Remember, you can decide how FME handles your order, and you can update your rules at any time.   See the following section “How do I manage my rules”?

How do I manage my rules?

You may update your rules at any time. When you update a rule, the change becomes effective immediately.   

If you do not want to use a rule, set it to “Disabled” or “Monitor”. If you do not want FME to take any action at all on your orders, you must set each rule to “Disabled” or “Monitor”.   

If you would like to reset all of your rules to the default state, choose “Reset Rules” from the button in the top right-hand corner of the Rule Configuration screen. 

To learn more about using rules, refer to the Fraud Management Essentials User Guide, which you can find in the Business Center under Fraud Management > Guides

How do I disable FME?

If you do not want FME to take any action at all on your orders, you must set each rule to “Disabled” or “Monitor”.

To learn more about using rules, refer to the Fraud Management Essentials User Guide, which you can find in the Business Center under Fraud Management > Guides


What is the Risk Score?

The Risk Score is a number between 0 and 99.  It indicates the riskiness of an order.  The higher the score, the riskier the transaction.  By default, FME will reject any order with a score of 95 or greater. 

You can tell FME how you want to handle orders of various Risk Scores: accept, reject, review, or monitor.  You could also choose to disable any rules based on Risk Score. 

What would be a good way to test FME?

You can experiment with FME in the Test environment to become familiar with how the FME works.   Rules and settings that you configure in Test will not be applied to Live.   

For example, to try out a Reject scenario, follow these steps: 

  • Use the Virtual Terminal to create a new order, and use an order amount of 550 USD.  Notice that the transaction will be rejected. 
  • Go to the Fraud Dashboard, and find the “All Orders in Last 30 Days” tab.  Find the order you just created.  Click on the request ID to get to the Order Detail screen. 
  • In the Order Detail screen, look at the Decision Manager Results panel, and observe the rule that was applied to your order.

Remember, modifying your rules and settings in the Test environment does not affect the Live environment.  When you are ready to update your rules in Live, go to the Live environment and set up the rules you would like to use. 

To learn more about using rules, refer to the Fraud Management Essentials User Guide, which you can find in the Business Center under Fraud Management > Guides. 

Learn more about the Test environment here


I signed up for FME. Why do I see "Decision Manager" in some places

In some screens of the Business Center you will see “Decision Manager”.   For example, in Transaction Management, or in the Transaction Detail Screen.  This is not indicative of an error. 


What is "Review"?
Review is a decision outcome.  It means that the order will be paused until you accept or reject it.   

Note that by default, none of the FME rules will be set to “Review”. This means that no orders will be put into review unless you specifically update your rules with this decision outcome.   

To learn more about order statuses, refer to “What does each transaction status - Authorized, Captured, Credited, Failed, Pending, Review, and Transmitted - mean?” 

What should I do if an order is in Review?

If an order is put into review, you must log into the Business Center and either accept or reject the order.  If you do not accept an order within X days, the authorization will expire.    

To find your orders pending review, navigate to Fraud Management > Fraud Dashboard.  In the bottom half of the page, look for the tab “Orders Pending Review”.    Another method for finding orders pending review is to search for orders using Order Search, which you can locate under Fraud Management > Order Search.   


Billing Note

  • Fraud Management Essentials (FME) will be billed for all transactions EXCEPT those that are rejected pre-auth.
  • Fraud Management Essentials (FME) bill be billed even if there is an auth decline from the processor.
  • Bundled services, if one service apart of a bundle is used then the whole bundled is billed for.

How can I learn more?

We recommend that you review the Fraud Management Essentials User Guide to learn more about using FME.  You can locate the User Guide in the Business Center under Fraud Management > Guides.

Additionally we have training videos on Fraud Management Essentials that can also be found in the Business Center under Support > Training and we also have a troubleshooting guide: Fraud Management Essentials Troubleshooting Guide

FME Welcome Video.mp4

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